Our Food

We began by developing the correct processing technique to produce tasty and healthy plain soymilk. Our soymilk are offered in Sweetened and Unsweetened form, and for our tofu we have three kinds; Firm Tofu, Soft Tofu and Silk Tofu. And for tea we have Winter Melon Tea.

Our customers can be rest assured that our Tofu, Winter Melon Tea and Soymilk are healthy products because we do not add preservatives or flavorings in it. We are committed to give our customers the satisfaction they deserve every time they consume our products.

Health Benefits of Soya Products

  • Soybean helps relieve sleep disorders.
  • Soybean may help manage Diabetes.
  • Soybean help improve blood circulation.
  • Soybeans are essential for pregnancy.
  • Soybeans for healthy bones.
  • Soybean aids healthy digestion.
  • Soybeans relieve menopausal symptoms.
  • Soybeans improve heart health.
  • Soybean possesses anti-cancer properties.
  • Soybean aids healthy weight management.

Source: https://www.healthifyme.com/blog/soybean/#10_Proven_Health_Benefits_of_Soybean

Soya Facts

  • Good source of isoflavones and proteins.
  • Soya products can prevent chronic diseases.
  • The FDA (“Food & Drug Administration”) confirmed that foods containing Soya protein may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
  • Soya has antioxidant effects
  • The health benefits of Soya isoflavones, which seem to reduce menopause symptoms.
  • Soya are very important for vegetarians and vegans because Soya has high protein content and is rich in vitamins, minerals and fibers.
  • Whole soybeans are an excellent source of protein (soybeans contain on average 37% protein!) and dietary fiber.
  • Soya protein is the only vegetable whose protein is complete.
  • Soya protein has attracted a lot of attention recently due to its ability to lower LDL (bad cholesterol) levels.
  • Soya milk is a good alternative for those who are allergic to cow’s milk.
  • Plain soymilk is very nutritive; it’s an excellent source of high quality proteins, isoflavones and B-vitamins.
  • Fresh tofu is usually pack in water and should be refrigerated and kept in water until used.